Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Have you ever?

Have you ever seen a very beautiful lady in the MRT who fight for a seat?

Have you ever seen a room so nice that you wish you could have it?

Have you ever peeped over you friends shoulder and see all 'your' grades on their report sheet?

Have you ever missed somebody so badly that you'll beat him up later on?

Have you ever scolded somebody for doing something in your dreams?

Have you ever wished you could go to the nearest apartment and just spent the night?

Have you ever had a series of unfortunate events?

Have you ever shopped online and forget to sleep?

Have you ever felt that you are so proficient in statistics?

Have you ever been so tired because you have to work, study, do assignment and make time for everybody?

Have you ever reunite with a friend that you thought he/she was long gone?

Have you ever did so much for somebody and get everything you don't want back?

If you answered yes to all the above question, you would have experienced the same thing as me for a past few weeks...! Hahaha... what a wonderful life.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Proud of myself!

Hello! I'm in my last brain and behaviour tut. MUAHAHA! Time flies..... its time for my 2nd year first sem exams soon! Okok.. time to start my 1st round of revision!

I've gotten 1 more tutee! Its a tpy lorong 1, kinda.. far. Buts okie, he pays well. hehehe! I just went to teach him before my class... and i've one more student after my class later. SOBz.. so tiring! I use to be able to sleep on the average 8 hours per day, but now, because of my tuition and school, i have to sleep late to finish my assignments. On the average... i sleep 5 hours max! But luckily! I can still manage to finish my assignments on time. *phew* I'm proud of myself!

There are a series of unfortunate events at home...! My mum, my grandma. Sometimes i wonder why i can keep up the notion of me having a wonderful life. Sigh..

But then again... I'm still loving my busy life, tiring indeed, but thats what makes some other beautiful things more beautiful in my life!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Just some thoughts..

I had a wonderful day yesterday....! It was my 1st year anniversary with Gabriel! Yayyyyy! I really appreciate for what he has done for me and continue appreciating and respecting our relationship! =D

I always wanted to update my blog everyday... but i'm recently busier then a bumble bee! My mid term tests were disastrous..... eek....! I'm trying hard not to worry about it yet and just work on my lab report. Geez.

I came across an advertisment on Discovery Travel and Living, it presents a beautiful city girl who loves traveling back to India. She said this at the end of the commercial... ".... reminds me that no matter what we are doing, everyone of us just want to be happy". I pondered on this statement for quite some time... and I think its kinda true! No matter if you are a billionaire... or a begger, all we want is to be happy. We shop because it makes us feel good, we study because we know that it can give us a good job with a good salary and in turn, make us feel good, we comply to ppl to make our life easier, travel to make us feel relax and we celebrate to make us feel and share the joy. Maybe its really true that humans are driven by the pleasure centre... and our main purpose for all actions is just to be happy? Hahahahaha... perhaps some of u can share your views with me!

Lotsa Gay and Lesbians talk these days.. theres a few pages discussion on that on The New Paper today. I don't have homosexual phobia, I can accept them as be part of my community actually. Did anyone realise that often, males can accept lesbians but not gays and females can accept gays and not lesbians? Could it just be our self serving bias? Usually, people who are gay phobic argue that homosexuality are not normal. I beg a differ. What defines normal? If majority is normal, then we can't be sure because the total number of homosexuals who admit they are homosexuals plus those who deny that they are homosexual and plus those who are in between... the number could be overwhelming. I agree that homosexual is against religious teaching, I believe strongly in the teaching of buddism too. However, given the number of heterosexual couples who ditched their children, perhaps the idea of homosexual adoption ain't that bad afterall. I won't be surprise that the child might have roles confusion later on in life... but who knows it could also remove the gender bias roles and thinking all together as well? Many people say that being a gay is cool. But i feel that homosexuality are not cool, it is a form of sexuality, not a fashion. It faces many objections and hardships. Many at times, we see reports of their promiscious activities in clubs but there are also couples who are truely in love. By giving them acceptance and the chance to enjoy equal rights as the heterosexual couples, it might help them to enjoy more quality relationships. Nothing is for sure.. I wouldn't really know. Some claimed that they are borned this way and some claim that others influenced them, they can be both right but i think it all boils down to choice. And my religion teaches me to respect everybody and everybody's choice. =)