Friday, April 20, 2007

The forgotten Island

Can you guess this place? Hmm... I think it'll be quite hard to guess right...? Hehehe! Its our little treasure island -- Pulau Ubin.
I went there with Carol, Gabriel and Chermaine last thursday! It was really fun and relaxing to return back to the nature. A day without my phone ringing feels kinda good. We packed our own lunch and shared our food on the island. We met an amazing old man who truly display the animisim beliefs!! He showed us some edible flowers and leaves, and of course, told us some paranomal stories. As we cycled, we met another man quite often... and everytime we see him, he'll ask if we were enjoying outselves. Hahahahahha! We also met an uncle in the Thai temple. He have got quite a fury temper!!! He scolded me for having ALL of the bicycles blocking his way... and insist that i shouldn't say sorry. -_-" But he is quite nice actually... he talked to me after he had finish lecturing me. But hEYYyYY, not all the bikes are mine!! Hehehe! The trip has been quite an eye opener for me actually.... felt as though i've came to an island without strangers.
I think I really love this Island now! Maybe its because we're always flooded by technology, we have become somewhat impaitient to even wait 0.3secs more for the page to load on our computer. Hahahaha!! So.. take a break! =) Enjoy!

1 comment:

sambal stingray said...

hi panda lau! nice pic! ahhhhhhhh i wish i could vanish to there too