Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Boring night..

Yawns! I'm so so sleepy... had to stay up till 3am to study for my test today.. and the test was super mega duper difficult!!!! =( I'm feeling so ultra lazy to do my anthropology work... aaaaaahhhhh!!!

I'm feeling kinda low recently.. many things happened and I just don't want to talk about it. Hai! But thank god I've some people to support me all the while.. thanks dears! I hope all this agony will be ending soon... can't stand the mere thought of it. Sickening.

Let me share an interesting information i've got in one of my journel articles in anthrpology.
"In the world of girls, basically girls learn to do 3 things with words: 1) to create & maintain relationships of closeness & equality, 2) to criticize others in acceptable ways, and 3) to inerpret accurately the speech of other girls."
Taken from Daniel N. Maltz & Ruth A. Borker. A Cultural Approach to Male-Female Miscommunication.


sambal stingray said...

i hope you feel high again!
if you need anyoen to talk to, feel free to calllllll!

val said...

i changed my blog url due to an accident! its now

thank u!